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Advent Devotional 2024 – Week Four

Advent in the Exile

by Brooks Carlson


Old Testament – Daniel 7
New Testament – Luke 1


The heart of Advent is the astonishing truth that God, in his steadfast love and mercy, entered into His creation, born as a man to restore relationship between Him and us. He takes on the task of faithfully securing salvation for His people. The final reveal of God’s beautiful plan begins with a teenage girl betrothed to be married.

The angel Gabriel appears to the Virgin Mary, and proclaims incredible news. She will miraculously conceive the son of God. The child she will carry will be a beacon of Hope to the people of God.  Mary is understandably confused to hear this news, but she expresses a profound sense of amazement in God’s plan. In this moment she is given a glimpse of what God will do to share His devotion to humanity. God, mercifully, made her part of His divine rescue plan. She is the vessel that will bring the incarnate God into the world. 

This is the opening scene of God’s final act in the drama of redemption. He identifies Himself with humanity, walking in a world scarred by sin, bearing our burdens, ultimately bringing our salvation and a relationship that sin and shame can never break. Through this act of incarnation, He begins the work of securing salvation from sin and inseparable unity with Him. This is the climax of the biblical narrative—God’s ultimate act of love. 

This message from Gabriel echoes the prophetic visions given to Daniel in Babylon, received almost 600 years before Jesus was born, saying that Jesus will be the Son of God and He will sit on David’s throne reigning forever. Daniel, one of the household of David, in Babylonian exile sees visions of beasts ruling the world in injustice, and with no regard for life. Troubled by what He sees, he asks an angel in his vision what it all means. The beasts of the vision are wicked rulers that will oppress the creation itself. But their deeds are placed next to the picture of God presiding sovereignly over all things from His courtroom. Daniel sees  a vision of a person who is depicted as both human and divine taking a seat next to God and sharing in His rule. It is this act that strips the corrupt of their power. The beastly reign is overthrown by the son of Man and He shares in the blessings of God’s glory liberally. 

This vision is a peek behind the curtain at what the coming of Jesus means. Because Jesus is the light of creation, the deliverer from sin, the true King, and the very presence of God dwelling amid His people. He is worthy to ascend to the throne, not to rule like a distant cruel king, but to reign in equity and justice, fulfilling the promise of peace and goodwill shared with the shepherds, instilling hope within the hearts of the people of God who have long felt the pain brought by sin. This hope sustains the followers of Jesus while we suffer the effects of sin in this world. Because we are confident in His first coming we are assured that He will return again to put all things right. We can suffer with a hope of resurrection with Jesus, to a life that is no longer compromised by sin and death, but renewed by sacrificial love.

Daniel’s vision of the Son of Man sharing the Heavenly rule with the saints is what Jesus does when He promises He will be with His followers forever. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus unites us to Himself and to the Father. He indwells us, transforming us into people who reflect his character, as he is a reflection of God’s. He promises his followers, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Just as He is bound to the Father, He binds us to Himself for all eternity. He will send His spirit to make a home in our hearts, to teach us, comfort us, and help us when we need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness.  

The hope of Daniel’s vision echoed in the proclamation of Gabriel to Mary is that God accomplishes His plan of redemption by becoming man and suffering the effects of sin on our behalf, so we can share in His resurrection life. This hope penetrates the very core of our need for Jesus. We know that because He has come once, He will return. He will subdue the beasts of sin and death for good, and we will be united with Him forever. This is the hope of Advent. A time to joyfully reflect on God’s unimaginable love for His people and to look forward to the time when He will return and complete the work He has started.


Jesus, we give thanks that you took on the flesh, that you intimately know the struggles of your people. Your birth gives us an unshakable hope that you will come again and you will bring justice once and for all. Give us rest from the burdens that would try to separate us from you and give us healing from the lingering effects of sin. We give you praise for your great mercy in all the ways you have changed our hearts and brought us closer to God. We praise the lamb who is worthy to conquer death and bring everlasting life.


Kids Questions

  1. What did the Angel Gabriel tell Mary?
  2. In Daniel’s vision, who is the “one like a son of man”
  3. Is the son of Man human, divine, or both?
  4. Is Jesus human, divine, or both?


Joy to the World