We would love to have you join us at a Missional Community soon; cards at our front table will supply you with locations and times.
Redemption’s Hill is not interested in simply holding events. We want for people to connect in authentic community centered on the gospel and mission.
It is our goal as a church to be a people that are living out the gospel in community and on mission. Many people view church as an event, on a day and held in a building. We choose to believe that a corporate gathering is important and healthy for the church but not all that defines the church. The church is a called people living a life that is set apart for the glory of God.
As our core group has looked to the Bible to try and inform our idea of what the church could look like, we saw that the early church loved each other so much they didn’t meet once or twice a week but fully engrossed their lives together. In fact: Jesus threw his life into the lives of the people around him to grow a relationship, and through that could teach and train and correct and rebuke the disciples; to mold them into the foundation of his church. God has called us to do the same: to invest and share our lives with others. A core scripture for us is found in 1 Thessalonians 2:8: So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.
Paul was showing us true love for those around us formed by the gospel yields more than just preaching at people. Our affection becomes so strong that we start throwing our lives into the lives of those around us in the hopes of creating a community that can show them the love of Christ. Allowing the gospel to take a deeper place in our own lives is the beauty of this community and mission for those around us, echoing the call to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20).
Every Missional Community will look different because they will be made up of different people with different passions, interests and schedules. No matter the specifics, we all try to live out the following rhythms of our identity in the gospel:
Gospel Family: We grow together in community as the gospel bonds between us strengthen us. Because of that, in each of our weekly Missional Communities, we gather around a meal together. This is an intentional time we have carved out weekly to share life together and dig into each other’s lives.
Learner: We embrace the process of understanding, believing and speaking the gospel to one another and others. Because of that, we will dig deeper into the weekly sermon in our Missional Communities for about 45 minutes in each of our gatherings. This time allows us to reflect on and apply the gospel that we hear to our lives. It is our belief that in community is where the gospel should be wrestled with and applied. Our Missional Communities serve as the primary means of disciple making and maturing at Redemption’s Hill Church.
We would love to have you join us at a Missional Community soon; cards at our front table will supply you with locations and times.